How to start Learning Programming

I have been asked how to start learning programing or how to become better in programing. Well there is no like a perfect formula - it is different for everybody.
But let me try to give an example path on how to do that in this short post.
So first depends were you are in the moment in your coding skills so far and which language you understand. So lets say you are total beginner and you want to learn Java Script scripting.  It is easy there are so many tools and systems that help and boost you into that direction....

1. You can start learning with basic tools like SoloLearn on your phone or on your computer.:
2. You can check online training courses like the one on w3schools:
3. You can perform some more advanced trainings in code academy as well: (may not work behind proxies)
4. You need to learn programing with some IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) - Sublime, Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, others (vRO for Infra Automation).
5. To Mature with coding and development best practices and recomendations.
6. To Learn to use some development frameworks - Angular.JS, Node.JS, [Spring (for Java)]
7. Learn some more stuff like SQL (+ try it on some DBs), XML and JSON + ReST and XML+SOAP web services (+ try it on some APIs)
8. Learn to use some some for the language common libraries.
9. Learn to use Code Repositories like Git, CVS etc.
10. Learn tools like Jenkins for Continues Integration (CI)
11. Learn to be part of development team and work in Agile methodologies, like Scrum.
12. Specialize in a certain areas like Front-end development, Back-end development, Infrastructure automation etc.
13. (Optional) To Become specialist and real good software engineer you will need to pass a good intro on Data Structures and Alghorithms like this one.

Off course you can do it in a classical way and use Books and Video trainings, but that is not that effective as using the similar tools as the one above.

The example above is for Java Script, but you can use the same tools for other languages as well. I mean they usually offer more than one language to learn and practice.

How it basically goes with the hardest part i mean for the points above from 1 to 3. (every step is like a mountain to overcome )
Points 1 to 3 in details:
  1. You learn some basic language syntax.
  2. You learn some data structures.
  3. You start getting experience basic syntax and data structures.
  4. You learn more advanced syntax structures and operations.
  5. You learn to use more advanced alghorithms and code flows.
  6. You are able to read code and debug code.
  7. You are able to write more and more complex code.
  8. It Becomes an intuition to you :). - here you are ready to start working on proffesional level.
For the points in the main list, after point 3 - 4 to 11, you do not have a choice, this is part of the developers daily life, the team you join will lead you what to use. No other way. But if you overcome points to 3, you can really start developing pretty easy. You can off course in advance spend some time and to read about or to try the tools, frameworks or technologies I mention in points 4 to 11.

Anyway it wont happen if you are not dedicated and spend a lot of your free time. As well you should never give up. It is really hard, but if you do not give up, you will get there at some point. For some people is easier for some people is harder. The secret is never to give up and be brave and keep trying. So follow the links i provide above as a start for all the technologies(as well Angular, JSON, SQL, Data Structures and Alghorithms and etc) I mention there.

As well have in mind following only the tutorials above (points 1-11), you will not become like Software Engineer Master for Google or Facebook, you still will miss the math science, programing alghorithms and theories bellow. But you will be able to work as a Junior to Senior developer in most of the companies in the market at the moment, and get really good sallary. Maybe as a start with the deep stuff you can go to point 12.

Good Luck :)


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