Crypto Currencies: Intro & How to start (Beta)

Intro on how to start

How it usually goes in few steps:
1. You choose a coin
2. You choose an exchange to buy the coin,
3. You transfer some money or buy the coin instantly.

Choose a coin

Choose a coin from the list in the website bellow:

Note 1: Choose smart! Make sure to check the coin website and the so called Coin White Paper. So by doing this you can be sure that what you will buy is something valuable that will grow like crazy next weeks, and by this bring you some profit.

Note 2: You can install Coin Market Cap app on your Mobile Phone, which is more convinient for operations like checking the coins values, market cap etc.

For example I would buy at the moment a coin called Electroneum (ETN), as i expect that one to grow at least 10 times till the summer.

Choose an exchange

You can buy either with normal exchange or either through an instant exchange. If you choose normal exchange - the exchange will create for you the wallets, but it is also a bit slower - may take few days.
If you choose instant exchange to buy, then you need to create your own wallets - the easiest way is to install Jaxx (Mobile or Desktop app) in this case.

Note: The market is going crazy at the moment, and all the exchanges are over crowded with new commers in the moment. So it usually takes some time to register, or they are just closed temporary for new commers. So have this in mind...

You can choose an exchange like one from the list bellow:
Coinbase or Kraken for depositing money (or buy transit coin), and Cryptopia or Kucoin to buy coins. The ones I have been using so far. Also good one i plan to try for creadit/debit card is:

For Instant buy:

For Europe (and iDEAL):

No Ideal let say UK or US:

I'm using Jaxx wallets

Some other concerns

Some times you can't directly buy the coin you want, because the exchange you are registered to not offer it. So in that case you need to buy entry coin like ethereum or lite coin or doge coin from exchange like Coinbase or any coin direct and then send the amount to Cryptopia or KuCoin to buy coins with better growth perspective, like Electroneum.

Advanced mode and getting super rich (though risky)

Now the Real profit come from ICOs. Check the lists bellow:
(Select cheap ICO and wait few months):

Free coins: in the moment)

3% daily profit guaranteed, no matter of cryptos going up or down, they give you 3% daily:
I believe that is too small so i did not invested in there, but for some people it might be OK.

//TODO: How all thoose coins and blockchain works - simple explanation



  1. Thanks For This Informative Article. It Helps All Those People Who Are Confused about the crypto market.
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