
Showing posts from February, 2018

How to start Learning Programming

I have been asked how to start learning programing or how to become better in programing. Well there is no like a perfect formula - it is different for everybody. But let me try to give an example path on how to do that in this short post. So first depends were you are in the moment in your coding skills so far and which language you understand. So lets say you are total beginner and you want to learn Java Script scripting.  It is easy there are so many tools and systems that help and boost you into that direction.... 1. You can start learning with basic tools like SoloLearn on your phone or on your computer.: 2. You can check online training courses like the one on w3schools: 3. You can perform some more advanced trainings in code academy as well:  (may not work behind proxies) 4. You need to learn programing with some IDEs (Integrated Develo